You are here: Original Structure > Reconciliation > Setup & Administration > Configuration


This below configuration data is used by the reconciliation process within the MiiNT system.

Managing Reconciliation Configuration

To view and manage the current reconciliation list within MiiNT click on the Reconciliation > Configuration option to display the configuration data associated with Reconciliation that can be maintained.

Refer to the New Reconciliation Group topic for details on the process to follow when adding a new reconciliation group.

Refer to the New Reconciliation Type topic for details on the process to follow when adding a new reconciliation type.

The table below list the tables associated with Reconciliation that can be managed.

Tables Description

Location Groups

List of location groups available for mapping to reconciliation groups.

For example PitA_0329, PitB_0339.

Note: This table may appear under the Location Management > Configuration menu.

Recon Types

List of available types for reconciliation.

For example Internal Survey, Client Survey, Daily Weightometer, Quarterly Flyover.

Recon Type Fields

List of available type fields for reconciliation. This links the reconciliation type with the table and field where the reconciled survey values are stored.

For example the Internal Survey, Haul table and the Internal Survey Volume field.

Recon Groups

List of reconciliation groups used by the reconciliation process. These groups are the areas which will have separate survey values.

For example PitA, PitB, Stockpiles.

Recon Group Filters

List of Pits and reconciliation group filters for reconciliation. This is where the link between the Reconciliation Groups, Location Groups and Material Types are established.

For example the reconciliation group PitA is linked to the location group PitA_0329. As no material type has been link this relationship will cover all material types.

Recon Dynamic Tables

List of available tables for reconciliation. This represents the data model code of the transaction table that the reconciliation type field will be stored against.

Note: This is currently restricted to the Haul table and not available for Data Management Queries.

Recon Dynamic Fields

List of available fields for reconciliation. This is the field that the reconciled value will be written to.

For example Internal Survey Value, Weightometer Mass, Flyover Volume, Sample Cu.

Recon Dynamic Table Fields

List of the mapped tables and fields available for reconciliation.

For example the Internal Survey Volume field is mapped to the Haul table.

Recon Dynamic Field Values

List of reconciliation adjustment values for the table and field mappings. It contains a link to the Haul transaction that the reconciled value applies to.

Best Value Groups

List of available best value groups for reconciliation.

For example the Volume and Mass.

Best Value Fields

List of available best value fields for reconciliation. This determines what survey fields have the highest priority (with 0 being higher than 1).

For example the Internal Survey Volume and Internal Survey Mass.

Best Value Table Field Mapping

List of available best value table fields for reconciliation.

For example the Volume and Mass field on the Haul table.

Recon Type Calendars

Used to map recon types with a calendar category.

For example the Internal Survey reconciliation type is linked to the ProductionCalendar category for the ReconType module.

Refer to the Data Management Pages topic for information on how to Add, Adjust and Delete records.