You are here: Original Structure > Getting Started > MiiNT 2.5 Administration Interface > Notifications


Notifications are used within the MiiNT interface to highlight areas that require attention. Notifications can range in severity and this is identified by the colour of the Notification panel and the classification of the Notification: Exception, Warning or Information.

Panel Notfication (Status) Description


No notifications have been triggered.

Exception (0)

An exception notification has been triggered.

Warning (10)

A warning notification has been triggered.

Information (20)

An information notification has been triggered.

Notifications are triggered when exceptions to business rules occur. MiiNT will routinely monitor Business rules setup by the MiiNT Administrator and raise an alert when an exception occurs. Notifications are targeted to specific modules. Users who have access to the module will be able to view and action the notification. By clicking on the notification panel further details will appear.

There should be sufficient information available within the notification message to take the appropriate Action.

In the above example an exception notification has been generated because no blast volume has been recorded against shot PitB_0299_014, although mining has occurred. This exception will be used in the following action explanations.