You are here: Original Structure > Getting Started > MiiNT 2.5 Administration Interface > Approvals


Production data that has been captured and can be approved, will be presented within Data Management grids on an approval tab. There will be a tab for each data management item listed for the approval page and there may be an approval page for each module.

Once an approval status has been assigned it cannot be removed and can only be changed to another approval status. Every time an approval status is assigned to a production record an entry is made in the Approvals History table.

In the above approval page example the Load - Approval data management query has been displayed with a date filter. The page also contains a tab for the Haul - Approval data management query.

Filtering, Grouping and Sorting can be used to narrow down the number of records displayed.

Only column values highlighted with a yellow background can be adjusted.

Refer to the Data Management Queries topic under the Administration Menu for information on creating Data Management Query pages.